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Sandpoint Reflexology logo that Katie created through Alli Beck Design's branding group program

 Sandpoint Reflexology Case Study 



Katie is a certified reflexologist who offers heavenly treatments in her Sandpoint studio. She also just launched an online training program for women who want to learn to use this powerful natural practice to improve their family’s health.


Healing, earthy, renewing, fresh, calming, relaxing


At the time we began, she was working 2 days a week. Her goal was to book out three days a week with ideal clients without running ads. She later launched her new online reflexology training program.


  • Branding coaching and guidance through my group program

  • Copywriting

  • Website Design

  • SEO

  • Landing Page Design and Funnel

  • Sales Page Design and Funnel

Reflexologist website homepage

The backstory

Katie first joined my branding group program, the Amplified Brand. At the time, she was at a crossroads in her business. She was making big moves and taking the next step in growing her reflexology practice. 


She dove in and found that branding was much more than she ever imagined. With my guidance, she was able to bring her new into perfect alignment. 


Katie is in love with the results. 


She still sends me pictures of her brand assets as she has put the brand to work. (I love that by the way). 


I’m so proud of the work she did. 


But something became glaringly obvious. Her website didn’t reflect that beautiful new brand she had just worked so hard to create. And Katie is smart. She knows it wasn’t in her wheelhouse to create what she really wanted.


So she hired me for a website VIP intensive. 


It was so fun to see the brand Katie had created come to life on her website. 


Since her website launch, she came back and we built out the entire landing page and sales page funnels for her new online program, Faith and Reflexology. Katie had her first successful launch and is excited about growing this arm of her business in the future.

Sandpoint Reflexology Website before her redesign

Website Before

Bring on the transformation ...


Sandpoint Reflexology's branding style inspiration

Style Inspiration

Sandpoint Reflexology Brand Board with brand colors

The Branding Process

Katy’s branding process took place in my group branding program. She created the elements herself, but got my feedback, guidance and accountability through group coaching calls and in a Facebook group.


Even in the midst of a busy season as a mom and business owner, she was able to create her dream brand that captures the essence of her message. 


The group program allowed her to retain some creative ownership herself, but have my framework to guide her. 

She has done an amazing job at putting her brand to work and being consistent, which has made it powerful in helping her grow her business.

Reflexology logo and submark


Sandpoint Reflexology brand kit mock up

Brand guide

brand typography for reflexologist


Sandpoint Reflexology business card design

Business cards


The Website Process

Once Katie had launched her new brand, she began to see that her website needed an overhaul. She had a site she had created on her own, but the fact that it was DIYed showed. Web design isn’t her specialty and she knew that to really create something she was proud to share, she needed a professional to take over. So she decided to delegate it to me. 


Our goals were to provide a seamless way for clients to book an appointment, guide people to the purchase of her products, and grow her email list. 


Through the copy and visuals, we wanted to communicate that her service was more than a “fancy foot massage,” but a powerful practice in improving chronic disease, discomfort and stress. 


Later, I helped her build a landing page for a free webinar she was offering. I also designed a sales page for the program the webinar promoted. She had her first successful launch and is poised to launch again in Q2 of next year.


Her website makes it easy to see what Katie offers and to take the next steps to start their reflexology journey. 

Holistic health website homepage
website design page mock ups
wellness website on a mobile phone
holistic health website home page design

Key Results

  • Doubled her income in the second half of the year following her rebrand and website launch

  • 100% of all new clients have come through her website

  • Increased her appointments to 3 or 4 days a week without ads.

  • Booking clients on autopilot from areas as far as an hour away

  • Successfully launched an online training program.

  • Loves the confidence she has now that she is backed by a professional and magnetic brand and website 

  • Clients are wowed by the vibe of her studio and how inviting and calming it is with her branding incorporated

Client Feedback

Katie Smith Hoover, reflexologist and Alli Beck Design client


I enjoyed working with Alli.  She offered a high degree of professionalism and intuition when designing my website.  I loved taking her branding class because I was able to take part in some of the design process and have some ownership.  When push came to shove and the technology part became more than I wanted to attempt, I was able to hire Alli to take the reins and she did a fabulous job.  

Thank you for your tireless patience as I bumble my way through all of this.  You have meant so much to the scaling of my business and it's such a relief to have you in my corner. I know the product will be good, effective and beautiful.

Katie Smith Hoover, Sandpoint Reflexology

decorative leaf natural background

Want to join Katie in your own brand and website transformation?

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