There are so many situations I never imagined myself in until I became a mom.
Suddenly, bizarre and, dare I say, disgusting incidents become daily life. That’s just normal. Then you watch Reels and find out all parents are living in snot-basted homes with pen on the walls too, so you feel slightly less alone.
Case in point: Yesterday, I was getting my toddler dressed in our playroom. My 6-year-old had graciously asked Alexa to play “Space Unicorn” on repeat—only to be disappointed by its more annoying cousin, “Gummi Bears.”
But then, a more traditional children’s song came on. So naturally, I engaged my son in a tickle match while singing along.
“Can you do that to me?” my daughter asked so sincerely. Another thing you realize as a mom is that entertaining children does not take much—just attention, really.
So she joined in.
“Now, tickle us at the same time!” she commanded.
My daughter has a bright future as movie director. Or an orchestra conductor. Or a CEO, considering her love of telling everyone else exactly what to do.
I humored her.
Only, two giggling children side by side is dangerously unpredictable. Within seconds, my son threw his head back—right into my daughter’s face.
Cue the screams. The horror. The blood.
Because my daughter’s nose bleeds on a good day, this was the equivalent of opening the floodgates at the Hoover Dam.
I went into triage mode. Primary goal: DO NOT GET BLOOD EVERYWHERE. I corralled her into the bathroom, applied pressure to her nose, stripped her of her bloody shirt, and fended off my son —who was very interested in what was going down–with one leg. Thanks to my consistent pilates routine, this was effective.
By keeping everyone contained on laminate flooring, I was relieved to find I had only gotten two drops of blood on the carpet. A quick dish soap and rubbing alcohol fix, and crisis averted.
Then, I looked down at my sweatshirt. My brand new sweatshirt.
I am not particularly fashionable. My normal uniform consists of black yoga pants and a t-shirt. But I had just splurged (okay, it wasn’t that expensive) on a cute, trendy leisurewear sweatshirt that almost made me look hip. Most importantly, it’s cozy.
It looked all clear, I was relieved to find.
Once the situation was under control, we went about our day, which included chaos, mass destruction, and multiple coinciding tantrums. So basically, a normal day.
That night, I walked into my bathroom to finally call it quits, glanced at my reflection, and discovered something horrifying. My sweatshirt was not blood-free. The entire front of it was splattered so completely that a forensic analyst could have used it to recreate the crime scene.
And this, my friends, is why perspective matters.
Stay with me.
When I was looking down at my own attire, I had blinders on to what I wanted to see. I couldn’t see reality because I was literally in it. It took stepping back and seeing it from a different perspective to see what was actually there.
And that is exactly what happens with your brand and website. When you’re in the thick of your business, you’re focused on what you know—your expertise, your offers, your process. But what about your ideal client? What are they seeing? What are they not seeing because you’re too close to it?
You are so entrenched in your expertise that it’s difficult to step out and communicate - both with words and visually - in ways that your ideal client can understand.
It makes it hard to create a brand that really resonates with them.
Your brand isn’t just about looking good—it’s about making sure the right people instantly get what you do, why it matters, and why they should care. But if you’re too deep in your own knowledge, it’s easy to miss the disconnect.
That’s where I come in. I help you take that step back, see what’s actually happening, and create a brand and website that truly speaks to your people. No more blind spots. No more assumptions. Just clarity, strategy, and a brand that actually works to attract dream clients.
It’s like looking at one of those optical illusions. When you are up close, it looks abstract. Then you step back, and an object takes shape.
That’s what I do for my clients and what I can help you do as well.
I have two spots open for branding and website intensives. Come snag one and let’s create a brand that website that puts the excellence of what you do into focus for your perfect-fit client.
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